
Xinxiang Dacro

Xinxiang Dacro
Xinxiang Dacro

Xinxiang Dacromet manufacturers mainly deal in environmental protection Dacromet processing, environmental protection Dacromet processing, etc., specializing in: Dacromet surface treatment, environmental Dacromet coating, bainite (isothermal quenching), bainite processing And other high-tech. The company has complete staff and advanced production equipment. You need to know more about the environmental protection Dacromet processing. Please find our Xinxiang Cuiyuan Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
Environmentally-friendly Dacromet treatment technology, as a technology that is widely used in the world and has an ideal effect, has its own unparalleled advantages. Dacromet coating is environmentally friendly, highly resistant to corrosion, high heat, non-hydrogen embrittlement, excellent permeability and recoatability, and has excellent corrosion resistance and chemical resistance. The environmentally friendly Dacromet treatment process emits no waste gas, waste liquid and waste residue, so there is no pollution hazard and it is the clean production process recommended by the State Environmental Protection Administration.

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